Mobile Solutions
SCOTPHONE ics provide business mobile phone solutions from a full range of manufacturers and a wide variety of network providers. We calculate the best combination of network and equipment to deliver the business mobile solutions and provide the best value for money. With extensive experience in the business mobile phone solutions industry and exceptional knowledge to conceive unique strategies, SCOTPHONE ics can reduce costs and improve business mobile contracts.
Business mobile phone contracts often constitute a substantial business expense. Using a standard package for business mobiles can be prove expensive as the costs are frequently not relative to use. At SCOTPHONE ics we precisely tailor business mobile contracts to your company’s needs, ensuring that we focus upon your particular requirements.
New technologies such as 4G, mobile broadband and M2M (machine to machine) can be incorporated within a business mobile contract. In today’s corporate environment, business mobile phones have taken on a whole new functionality. Mobiles for business can now be used as a complete mobile office, allowing users the freedom to work efficiently whilst out the office and away from their desks. This has helped ease pressure and create greater flexibility for workers in the current faced-paced corporate world and thereby greatly increase productivity, whilst managing expenditure.
SCOTPHONE ics are network Independent and have partnerships with all major UK networks.

Traditionally, a business with circa 5+ mobiles would probably go onto a lead/sharer tariff where you purchase one large bundle of minutes and data/text bolt ons to be shared across the entire fleet. These are great if you have a fleet that uses roughly the same volume of calls/data per month and make lots of inter-company mobile calls, as the latter are free. Of late, with the rise in prominence of the unlimited minutes and texts solo tariffs we are seeing more businesses than ever opt for these for the peace of mind that there won’t be much overspend, plus with multiple solo tariffs you can select purely on the data usage of each individual. For larger fleets the best solution would probably be a mix of the two, but this is where you’ll really get the value out of an independent expert who won’t be biased towards a particular network.
SCOTPHONE ics can help reduce administration by providing a single bill for your mobile solutions. For numerous reasons, companies can end up with multiple bills from multiple providers which is an administrative burden. Avoid the need to manage invoices from multiple sources, make the most of the services and coverage from a variety of providers and SCOTPHONE ics can accumulate all this and present a single invoice, simplifying administration.
With tailored plans built around your business needs – Airtime + Coverage + Handset Supply + Back Up Service – pick what’s important to you and receive a single invoice.
Track your usage and see your spend using our Online system.
Mobile Contracts
SCOTPHONE ics offer expert and impartial advice on Flexible Tariff structure:
- EU Roaming
- Large Data offers
- Data Sharing
- Individual and Sharer plans and
- Sim only
We also offer M2M solutions (machine to machine), these are particularly useful for smart homes, vehicle telemetry, remote monitoring of assets and many other systems in this age of the Internet of Things.
It’s not always possible to get the best reception or service from an
individual provider, especially when traveling. We can offer Multi net services
which allows roaming onto any UK network.
Mobile Handsets
SCOTPHONE ics are able to source a large variety of Mobile Handsets – all the latest handsets, smartphones, tablets and accessories – all at competitive prices. We can advise on particular handsets to suit specific requirements, tough phones for harsh environments, for example. This advice extends to include the operating system and applications too, having a wealth of expertise in iOS, Windows, Android and Blackberry, if required.
Have a security requirement or safety obligation to track a handset? We also offer Mobile tracking options to determine their location. Particularly useful in lone worker situations.
Mobile is rapidly transforming how organizations do business. However, managing and protecting the mobile devices, apps and content that contain sensitive corporate data can present overwhelming challenges for any IT or Security team. Now you can take control of business-critical data on your company smartphones and tablets with our device management solution. It keeps you connected to your field employees and in control of any sensitive information carried on staff mobile devices
After care is also a core part of our mobile solutions, offering a loan service
or being on hand to swap data between devices. We are always here to
Mobile Broadband
With mobile broadband you get instant access to the internet from your laptop whenever and wherever you want. Our USB modems are the fastest way to connect to the internet when on the move and they’re easy to use. Plug it into your laptop and you are ready to connect.
We can also provide any necessary hardware for your mobile broadband requirements, temporary or permanent. Tablets and MiFi systems for remote workers or for temporary site offices.
Should you need Broadband Backup or have a need to bolster your existing fixed line broadband we can offer a 4g solution, providing a backup service or extra capacity to a slow, unreliable broadband. Using a smart router and a 4g sim provides access the internet in case of disruption to your normal broadband service.